story time

Winter/Snow Story Time (Outreach)

I committed a cardinal sin during this story time. Read on …

Welcome Song: Hands Go Up and Hands Go Down
(to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
Hands go up and hands go down
I can turn around and round
I can hop upon two shoes
I can listen so can you
I can sit, I’ll show you how
Story time is starting now

Song: The Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Round and round, round and round
The wheels on the bus round and round
All through the town

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish //
The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep //
The people on the bus go up and down //
The babies on the bus go wah, wah, wah //
The people on the bus go shh, shh, shh

Song: Snowflakes, Snowflakes Dance Around (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Snowflakes, snowflakes, dance around
Snowflakes, snowflakes, touch the ground
Snowflakes, snowflakes, in the air
Snowflakes, snowflakes, everywhere
Snowflakes, snowflakes, dance around
Snowflakes, snowflakes, touch the ground
Source: Harris County Public Library Storytime

Book: Katy and the Big Snow by Virginia Lee Burton

katy and the big snow.jpg

Song: Row Row Row Your Boat
I do three verses of this classic:
Row row row your boat (the traditional way) //
Rock rock rock your boat, sway from side to side
Merrily merrily merrily merrily what a bumpy ride (bump hands on lap) //
Row row row your boat, gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile (crocodile snap with arms)
Don’t forget to scream (*AH*)

Song: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Itsy Bitsy Spider (sung normally)
Teeny Weeny Spider (sung in falsetto)
Great Big Hairy Spider (sung deeply)

Song: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Sung three times, getting faster each time.

Wiggle Rhyme: Watch Out for the Bugs (to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Clap your hands, stomp your feet
Wiggle all around
Throw your hands up in the air and now let’s touch the ground
Touch your head, touch your hips, give yourself a hug
Now sit down upon the floor
But watch out for the bugs!! (stamp out the bugs)

Book: The Mitten by Jan Brett


Fingerplay: Here’s a Hill
Here’s a hill (tilt right arm so it forms a hill)
And here’s a hill (tilt left arm so it forms a hill)
All covered with snow (raise hands up, bring down slowly)
I’ll put on my coat (put coat on)
And jump on my sled (hold the rope of a sled)
And ZOOM down the hill I will go! (slid hand down)
Source: Storytime Katie

Flannel: Five Little Snowflakes
One little snowflake with nothing to do,
Along came another and then there were two.
Two little snowflakes laughing with me,
Along came another and then there were three.
Three little snowflakes looking for some more,
Along came another and then there were four.
Four little snowflakes dancing a jive,
Along came another and then there were five.
Five little snowflakes having so much fun,
Out came the sun and then there were none!
Source: Storytime Katie

Book: Sleep Big Bear Sleep! by Maureen Wright; illustrated by Will Hillenbrand

sleep big bear sleep.jpg

For some reason I was skeptical about reading this book. The kids loved it. I love it. I liked it so much I’m saving it for my winter pre-K story time at the library!

Song: Snow on the Rooftops (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Snow on the rooftops (make pointed roof shape with arms)
Snow on the trees (hold arms out like tree branches)
Snow on the green grass (wave hands over the ground like you’re touching grass)
And snow on me! (point to self)

Snow on my mittens (hold up hands)
Snow on my nose (touch nose)
Snow on my head (touch head)
And snow on my toes (touch toes)

Twirling, swirling, whirling down (spin in circle)
Down and down and down and down (bring hands down and crouch down to touch the ground)
Source: Sunflower Storytime

The teachers thought this little song was adorable and I thought they would’ve heard every winter/snow song there is by now. Thanks Sunflower Storytime! I’m going to see if I can find the recording by Kathy Reid-Naiman for my library pre-K story time …

Book: One Mitten by Kristine O’Connell George; illustrated by Maggie Smith

one mitten.jpg

I knew this book would be short for this group but I love it and they really seemed to enjoy it. They liked that the cat was the one hiding the mitten (of course).

Song: Alice the Camel
Alice the Camel has five humps
Alice the Camel has five humps
Alice the Camel has five humps
So go Alice go
Four // Three // Two // One
Alice the Camel has no humps
Alice the Camel has no humps
Alice the Camel has no humps
‘Cause Alice is a horse

Goodbye Song: We Wave Goodbye Like This (to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell)
We wave goodbye like this.
We wave goodbye like this.
We clap our hands for all our friends.
We wave goodbye like this.

So that was my story time … see anything missing? Yeah, I completely forgot about the egg shakers! That’s my cardinal sin. I had the shakers and the CD with me and everything! I didn’t realize it until the group had dispersed and I was gathering my things. The remaining kids were bummed so I told them we would do two shaker songs next time. Now I just need to find another good song to do with shakers. Any suggestions?

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