story time

Snow Story Time

Welcome Song: Hands Go Up and Hands Go Down
(to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
Hands go up and hands go down
I can turn around and round
I can hop upon two shoes
I can listen so can you
I can sit, I’ll show you how
Story time is starting now

Wiggle Rhyme: Watch Out for the Bugs (to the tune of Jingle Bells)
Clap your hands, stomp your feet
Wiggle all around
Throw your hands up in the air and now let’s touch the ground
Touch your head, touch your hips, give yourself a hug
Now sit down upon the floor
But watch out for the bugs!! (stamp out the bugs)

Song: Zoom Zoom Zoom, We’re Going to the Moon
Zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon
Zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon
If you want to take a trip, climb aboard my rocket ship
Zoom zoom zoom, we’re going to the moon
In 5-4-3-2-1

Early Literacy Tip: Help your child think of words that rhyme with “snow” like “go, blow, toe, no, show, grow” and make up silly rhymes using these words. Try rhyming “flake” and “cold” too!

Book: Snip, Snip, Snow! by Nancy Poydar

snip snip snow.jpg

Flannel: Five Little Snowflakes
One little snowflake with nothing to do,
Along came another and then there were two.
Two little snowflakes laughing with me,
Along came another and then there were three.
Three little snowflakes looking for some more,
Along came another and then there were four.
Four little snowflakes dancing a jive,
Along came another and then there were five.
Five little snowflakes having so much fun,
Out came the sun and now there are none!
Source: Storytime Katie

Song: Snowflakes Snowflakes Dance Around (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around (twirl around)
Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground (touch the ground)
Snowflakes, snowflakes in the air (arms up)
Snowflakes, snowflakes everywhere (wave arms all around)
Snowflakes, snowflakes dance around (twirl around)
Snowflakes, snowflakes touch the ground (touch the ground)
Source: Perry Public Library

Book: One Mitten by Kristine O’Connell George; illustrated by Maggie Smith

one mitten.jpg

Song: Dance Like Snowflakes (to the tune of Where is Thumbkin?)
Dance like snowflakes, dance like snowflakes
In the air, in the air.
Whirling, twirling, whirling
Whirling, twirling, whirling
To the ground, to the ground

Action Rhyme: I’m a Little Snowman (to the tune of I’m a Little Teapot)
I’m a little snowman, short and fat
Here are my buttons, here is my hat.
When the sun comes out, I cannot stay.
Slowly I just melt away.

Book: Sledding by Elizabeth Winthrop; illustrated by Sarah Wilson


Fingerplay: Here’s a Hill
Here’s a hill (tilt arms up so it forms a hill)
And here’s a hill (tilt other arm to form a hill)
All covered with snow (wiggle fingers down to simulate snow falling)
I’ll put on my coat (mime putting on coat)
And jump on my sled (hold the rope of a sled)
And ZOOM down the hill I will go! (clap and slide hands down)
Source: Storytime Katie

Egg Shakers: Shake It by Sally’s Music Circle

Book: Snow Dog, Go Dog by Deborah Heiligman; illustrated by Tim Bowers

snow dog, go dog.jpg

Goodbye Song: Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands
Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together
Clap, clap, clap your hands, clap your hands together

Tap, tap, tap your feet // Wave, wave, wave goodbye

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